
Floyd Landis, Your 2006 Tour de France Winner!
Floyd rode a great time trial, finishing third, but he more than made up the 30 seconds he was trailing Pererio & Sastre.

Floyd Landis paced himself perfectly in the final major rendezvous of the 2006 Tour de France. He didn’t waiver from his plan at the start of the day and wasn’t tempted to try and catch the dominant Serhiy Honchar who won his second successive Tour de France time trial. Floyd knew that the most important thing was to finish over half a minute ahead of Oscar Pereiro; he did just that and tomorrow he’ll arrive in Paris as the fourth American winner.

The fourth? This is Landis' fourth yellow jersey this year, but fourth American in Paris? You guys sure about that? Lemond, Armstrong & Landis - who am I missing here?
Posted by: Raj 2006-07-22