
Muslim 'Honor Killings' in Britain
There is a disturbing phenomenon on the rise in Britain’s Muslim community called honor killings. This barbaric practice involves the killing of a female for alleged sexual or marital impropriates by members of her own family. Scotland Yard is currently investigating eighteen such cases. Last month a trial in London resulted in murder convictions in the case of a young Muslim Pakistani woman killed by her father, brother and cousin for refusing to enter into a pre-arranged marriage. Her mother was watching on as the murder took place.

In the course of the proceedings details came to light which illustrate the horrific nature of this practice. Samaira Nazir’s throat was cut in 3 places and she was stabbed 18 times with 4 different knives. According to the UK Times :

As she screamed for help one neighbour banged on the front door, but the father emerged claiming that his daughter was having a fit. When police arrived they found a trail of blood from the front of the house to the back door and then to the hallway where Miss Nazir’s body was slumped in a pool of blood.

It should be a matter of heightened concern that Muslims across Europe are becoming increasingly vocal in demanding that Sharia – which apparently sanctions this kind of brutality – govern areas where they live as majorities. Capitulation to their demands would constitute nothing less than a tragic marker in the Continent’s descent into darkness and barbarism. Given the fecklessness of Europe’s ruling elites combined with the Muslims’ rapidly growing numbers and influence, it is not inconceivable that in some places they may get their way in the not-too-distant future.
Posted by: mcsegeek1 2006-07-26