
Five Iraqis killed, curfew in Hilla
(KUNA) -- Five Iraqi civilians including three brothers were killed in Hilla Friday, as declared by Iraqi security sources. An army statement told Kuna that three brothers were killed by unidentified gunmen when they were about to board their car, early morning, in the heart of Baquba.

Meanwhile, the security sources in Hilla south of here imposed a curfew starting at 10 a.m. today and until further notice. Spokesman for Babel police station said the curfew that would remain until further notice came after tension in Al-Shawi suburb against the backdrop of passage of a US army patrol close to the Sadr office, south of the city. Locals said in Hilla the Iraqi security and US forces set up many positions in the city and imposed and checked passing cars. The Iraqi Government declared a four-hour partial curfew to fend off attacks on mosques and worship locations in east and south Iraq including Al-Sadr and Al-Amin suburbs.
Posted by: Fred 2006-07-29