
Priorities, priorities
Andrew Stuttaford, posting at National Review's "The Corner":

WASHINGTON, July 27 /U.S. Newswire/ — The U.S. Army recently discharged a highly regarded Arabic linguist who was the target of an anonymous email "outing" campaign. Former Sergeant Bleu Copas was stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., and was a member of the prestigious 82nd Airborne Division...His dismissal, under the federal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual personnel, brings the total number of Arabic language specialists dismissed under the ban to at least 55. Neither Copas nor his command know who was the source of the email campaign.

So far as I can recall, one of the problems faced by the US in dealing with the terrorist challenge and the war in Iraq is an insufficient number of Arabic language specialists. Whatever one may think of the current federal rules governing homosexuals in the military, applying them so strictly now (I'm assuming that the press release gives an accurate account of what happened) seems to reveal an absurd sense of priorities, very September 10th one might say...

Posted by: ryuge 2006-07-29