
Shooting suspect was baptized
Those who knew Naveed Haq said Saturday that to them he was an enigma, a puzzle that they wish they could have solved before his deadly rampage in a Seattle Jewish center. Stunned and saddened by the news, some of Haq's acquaintances recounted many of what they saw as the contradictions of his life. He held a degree in electrical engineering and was the son of a successful engineer, yet he couldn't keep a regular job. He was smart, creative and skilled as a writer. He recently won an essay contest for a U.S. Institute of Peace scholarship.
Oh, that worked well, didn't it?
FYI, the US Institute of Peace Processors (brought to you by Cuisinart) was just awarded a very choice chunk of land practically across the street from the State Department for its new headquarters. One of their new neighbors will be The Jerusalem Fund, whose board of directors could bear a little googling.
Yet Haq was frustrated at his lack of friends and female companionship.
No nooky, huh?
He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity. Haq had begun studying the Bible, attending weekly men's spiritual group meetings, only to stop coming a few months after his baptism.
That seems to have worked well, too. We're on a roll here...
He had told the group's leader that he seen too much anger in Islam and that he wanted to find a new beginning in Christianity. Yet in the midst of his shooting spree in Seattle Friday, he declared himself an angry Muslim.
Sounds like the anger was in Naveed...

Posted by: Fred 2006-07-31