
Iran prepares 'to get even'
The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards called on his troops on Sunday to "prepare themselves to get even" with Israel and the United States, the semi-official Fars news agency reported. "Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards and Basij should prepare themselves to get even with Zionists and Americans," General Yahya Rahim Safavi was quoted as saying. "The fearless supreme leader will announce the time for this," he said, referring to Iran's top cleric and commander-in-chief Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“We have to keep this sacred hatred of the enemies of Islam alive in our hearts until the time of revenge comes”
It was not clear if the comments represented an order for the Revolutionary Guards and its Basij militia, a volunteer force, to actually mobilise for conflict. "We have to keep this sacred hatred of the enemies of Islam alive in our hearts until the time of revenge comes," the general was quoted as saying. "I hope our nation can one day avenge the blood of innocent people in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan," he said, adding: "I ask God to arouse the dignity of Muslims and destroy America, Israel and their associates. I hope the clerical leaders in the Islamic world clarify the duty of Muslims against Israel."
Posted by: Fred 2006-07-31