
Qana Moron Manifesto
Rule #1 in war: never apologise for collateral damage until you are both certain that your side did it, and that the enemy didn't set up collaterals for slaughter. Read this screed from a despicable anti-American pig-pen, in context of the reported 8 hour delay in the Qana building collapse, and the Persian looking "rescue worker" who was caught posing with the same dead infant,over a 2 hour period. Qana lies have to be refuted, and by the highest authorities in the credible world. The BBC should be picketed for intentional deceit, and their paid liars must be terminated. The West cannot afford to let stupidity prosper. Saving grace: fence-sitters - including the oily Leb PM - turned to weeds on this issue. They are now targets.

'I Renounce America and Her New Middle East'

In this emotional op-ed article from Lebanon's Arabic-language El-Shark, the author explains why the 'accidental' killing of almost 60 civilians including 37 children in an Israeli air attack has turned him against, 'America and her New Middle East, which is soaked in the blood of children.'
...I am renouncing humanity … democracy … peace … all the lies that they keep hammering us with around the clock, only to practice the opposite.

I am renouncing America and revolting against her New Middle East, which is soaked in the blood of the children of Qana, Palestine and Iraq.

I am renouncing the United Nations, its Security Council and its decisions; I am revolting against the entire international community which is plotting against us.

I am renouncing all those Arab governments which shamefully abide by the will of their masters in Washington, and I am revolting against all the Arab populations who demonstrate only to make themselves feel good and who cower rather than bringing their governments to account. Those governments are smeared in the shame of surrender, being followers of the present-day Hulagu [Bush] who is in Washington. [Hulagu was the brutal grandson of Genghis Khan ].

I only believe in Qana, in the blood of our children, which has watered the soil of the South with the very essence of martyrdom. Out of their blood flowers the wild red poppy, which reminds us of the crimes of Dracula, who always thirsts for the blood of innocent children.

I only believe in the covenant of July … in the covenant of sacrifice until martyrdom, so we can achieve the victory and the right to protect the lives of the children and the people of the south.

I am fighting a guerilla war against all of this, because only a guerilla resistance can achieve victory, in spite of America and the Arabs and non-Arabs that support them.

The children of Qana and all Lebanon are the faith and promise of a revolution against oppression, all oppression.

I am revolting against all of the world's infidels, because I believe that only those who revolt for dignity and against the killing of children deserve life...

Posted by: Snease Shaiting3550 2006-07-31