
All is lost
Yoni Tidi is an IDF veteran, security expert and regular guest on the Hugh Hewitt show. From his blog:

It is now over. We have failed due to weak leadership and Israel once again caves to the world. Israel is going to stop the air war for 48 hours, the knees are weak and the back of the government is bending.

Rockets still fall on Israel and we are going to stop using our airpower. If we replace the air power with 30,000 troops and 400 tanks then maybe all is not lost. But a suspension of the air war while rockets still fall shows how weak we are.

The fact that Olmert came to this decision in a meeting with Sec. State Condi Rice show that America has said enough. This shows how weak America and Israel really are. Iran, Syria and Hizballah have played the west for fools. I now fear for the future of the west and the long term ramifications of Qana on the war on Islamic terror.
Posted by: ryuge 2006-07-31