
Paleo media goes racist/sexist etc
While US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been in the Middle East meeting regional alongside Israel's military campaign in Lebanon, media outlets controlled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party the past few days have been using racist rhetoric in their reports, referring to the American representative as the "black woman," "raven," "colored dark skinned black lady" and "black spinster."

The Palestinian media coverage follows an article last week in which WND reported senior Fatah members staged an anti-American protest outside the main government building in Ramallah while Abbas met with Rice. Most media coverage of last Wednesday's Ramallah protests claimed ralliers were affiliated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

One placard had Rice drinking the blood of dead babies and stating, "I need more blood."
According to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch, the PA daily Al Hayat detailed Wednesday's Ramallah protests in which Rice was described as a "raven" who "brings only destruction."

Al Hayat featured pictures of ralliers brandishing anti-Rice placards, some reading, "Murderer Rice go to Hell" and "Get out." One placard had Rice drinking the blood of dead babies and stating, "I need more blood."

A cartoon last week in the PA controlled Al Quds depicted Rice pregnant with a monkey. A caption read, "Rice speaks about birth of new Middle East."

In a previous article by Al Hayat, Rice is described three times as the "black woman," and her father, who was an ordained Presbyterian minister, was called the "black clergyman (who filled Rice's head with Bible stories)." The article warned, "Beware of this 'black spinster,' we don't want to say 'the black widow' out of respect for her femininity and her intelligence."
White House should be pitching this story to all African American media who may have missed its Israel-oriented source, Ynet
Posted by: Ulegum Grith1120 2006-07-31