
Meet future Senator Al Franken from the North Star State
Oh boy, it appears that the great comedic genius of our times, the Saturday Night Live veteran, the sophomoric muse of the left, Al Franken, the guiding power behind the faltering Air America, is testing the waters for a run for the US Senate after moving his unique radio show to Minneapolis from the Big Apple, where wags said, his unique brand of humor was losing some steam with the loss of WLIB-AM, the erstwhile flagship station.

And it is suspected that the imminent failure and final disappearance of Air America is driving Mr. Franken west to his destiny in the US Senate. After all, why would a keen intelligence, a man of such wit and humor, a person so genetically designed for the hurly burly of the big city, seek solace in Minneapolis, the home of Billy Graham? Perhaps Al needs a job with vast guaranteed riches, the ability to trade stocks with non-public information, the ability take his war chest into his dotage, and a grand retirement funded by the very people Mr. Franken has humored and fleeced for so many years -- a sweet irony indeed. You know, the folks the Democrat politicos call the wealthy, the saps like you and me who make up the waning 51% who still pay an income tax. And the politicos that Mr. Franken would fit right in with, worships, and prays will succeed in redistributing all of our hard earned wealth but not his.

And only three final comedic acts remain for this seasoned vaudevillian; the need to shake down those liberal fat cats he has so successfully groomed for many years, to overcome those few negatives his name connotes, and the final act of grand guignol around the ballot box in Minnesota. But will the folks in the North Star State buy into the off color one liners, the outright fiction, obscene jokes, threats to kill the President, that Donald Rumsfeld "ought to be tortured," and that Rush Limbaugh has been accused of "being a Nazi," which Air America and Mr. Franken's hand picked crew of disc jockeys, like the irrepressible Randi Rhodes and Rachel Maddow, have pumped into a reluctant troposphere, groaning under the weight of their worthless truck?
Posted by: Fred 2006-08-01