
New York Times Misrepresents Roadmap (surprise!)
The Roadmap doesn't mention or obligate anyone to release people from prison. The demands in the "hudna" bullshit "ceasefire" statements made it a condition - and the Q.E.D. escape clause for the Pal terrorist groups...

Hat Tip: LGF for catching the New Yellow Times, yet again.

In the closing paragraph of an article for the New York Times about the release of Palestinian prisoners, reporter Greg Myre makes an outrageous misstatement: Israeli Cabinet Agrees to Release Some Palestinian Prisoners. (Hat tip: Shimon.)

"The release of Palestinian prisoners is just one of many demands placed on both sides under the Mideast peace plan, known as the road map."

Is this a sloppy mistake, or a deliberate misrepresentation?
Charles, you are too kind to them...

Here is the full text of the “roadmap,” and it does not contain one word that could be interpreted as an Israeli obligation to release Palestinian prisoners: Elements of a Performance-Based Road Map.

UPDATE: The Times has quietly corrected the misstatement in Greg Myre’s article, but Honest Reporting got a copy of the original.
Once again the NYT demonstrates their chosen craft at its finest: lefty disinformation.
Posted by: PD 2003-07-07