
Friend of mine sends EMails...
A friend of mine just sent some EMails in the "What the heck is going on?" category...

Pres Bush
Iranian front man Ahmadnejad
Iranian head magic mulla Khameni

He is curious about a reply?

I told him he would get an auto-responses, but likely nothing else. The Whitehouse, and Khameni have already sent such. Ahmadnejad is probably too busy picking out the new wardrobe for when he is declared the 12th Imam on Aug 22... Those day-glow colored schmocks are, afterall, in need of coordination with the aura he will acquire...

But I did promise him if he gets a reply from anyone that is more than a form letter, I will post both his letter and the reply on these pages. Stay tuned...
Posted by: BigEd 2006-08-03