
Israeli aircraft drop flyers over Gaza against Hamas chief
Israeli aircraft dropped on Thursday thousands of flyers over Gaza City to incite the Palestinians' discontent with politburo chief of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Khaled Mashaal, Palestinian witnesses said. They said that the A4-size flyers showed a cartoon image for Mashaal as a gambler who bet on Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, Khan Younis, Gaza City, Jabalya, Biet Lahia and Biet Hanoun.

"Mashaal gambles on the future of Palestine and brings you destruction, failure and despair," read a text beyond the cartoon, which was showing Mashaal holding three playing cards with the word of future, safety and development on it respectively. Israel has been using the airborne propaganda to foment the discontent with the Palestinian militant groups among the Gaza residents since it finished a major withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in September 2005.
Posted by: Fred 2006-08-04