
Gunmen kill six Palestinians in prison
PALESTINIAN gunmen dressed in police uniforms broke into a prison in the West Bank city of Jericho today and shot dead six Palestinian inmates, security sources said.
Four of the dead had been accused of killing two officials within President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction in the West Bank city of Nablus last year. The four were in prison awaiting trial. The other two victims were cell mates.

Tawifiq Tirawi, the deputy head of intelligence in the West Bank and Gaza, said Palestinian authorities believed the attack was carried out by relatives of the two dead Fatah officials from a village near Nablus.

"Those who committed this crime will be brought to justice," Tirawi told reporters in Jericho, where a state of emergency was declared.

The attack occurred at a Jericho prison run by Abbas's intelligence service.

Earlier this year, Israeli forces used tanks and bulldozers to tear apart the same prison to grab a militant leader accused by Israel of overseeing the 2001 assassination of an Israeli cabinet minister.

Tirawi said the damage caused by the Israeli raid made it harder for prison guards to protect the facility against the Palestinian gunmen.

There have been a series of armed clashes in Gaza between members of Abbas's Fatah faction and Hamas, which won elections in January and took control of the Palestinian government.
Posted by: tipper 2006-08-04