
Afghanistan to have an ‘Islamic’ constitution
Prominent Afghan leader Qazi Mohammad Amin Waqad on Sunday said recommendations from the Afghan refugees in Pakistan would be fully accommodated in formulation of the new Afghan constitution. Mr Waqad, who is heading an Afghan delegation currently visiting Pakistan to ascertain the views of the Afghans living in refugee camps and other places as regards the new Afghan constitution.
Now, are these "refugee camps" full of Afghan "elk hunters"?
Mr Waqad told reporters here the new Afghan constitution would be based on true Islamic principles, free from foreign influences and it would be people-friendly.
Then his lips fell off.
“There was complete unanimity between the Afghans living in various refugee camps of NWFP and those living inside Afghanistan that the new constitution would be Islamic”, he said. The Afghan delegation came to Pakistan on June 24 and has so far visited almost all the refugee camps in the province. Mr Waqad said it was also suggested that all senior officials should only have spouses of Afghan nationality. Asked about the status of spouses having foreign nationalities, especially from Pakistan and Iran, he said they would be welcomed in Afghanistan but the only restriction on them would be that they could not hold any high position in the army, ministries and other important departments.
"Cuz we don't want any furrin women putting ideas into our leaders heads, like reading or writing, and stuff!"
Mr Waqad rejected fears that a Taliban-like government might get elected in the future. “It is the choice of the Afghans to elect their own representatives and every citizen will be given the freedom to cast two votes, one to elect the president of the country and the other to elect their representatives”, he clarified.
The one man, two vote, one time principle.
Mr Waqad said women had been given special attention in the formulation of the new constitution and all possible efforts would be made to provide them with all the facilities of health, education, justice and employment within their cultural values.
"within their cultural values" being the key phrase.
The women would be given equal opportunities in all sectors of life, he said.
Uh huh.

Time to pull out of this Islamic paradise and write the whole thing off to experience. It's their own country, they can screw it up any way they like, but we shouldn't be expected to pay for it. I'm sure they'll have a nice time reading their Koran and beating their women.

And furthermore: I think it would be a fine idea if in the future as a condition of any kind of U.S. support or recognition any country we aided in any manner (eventually to the point of maintaining diplomatic relations with them) would have in their constitution an article stating that
a.) The state will have no interest in or involvement with the propagation of suppression of any religion;

b.) No priest, bishop, mullah, ayatollah, imam, prophet, bhagwan or other holy man of any flavor shall be eligible to hold public office, or to fund or publicly support any political party.
I have nothing against religion, but the past couple years have given me a lot to hold against holy men.

Posted by: Steve 2003-07-07