
Israeli strike 'kills 40 1 people'
An Israeli air strike has killed more than 40 people in the southern Lebanese border village of Houla, Lebanon's prime minister has said. Fouad Siniora told an Arab foreign ministers meeting in Beirut that there had been "a horrific massacre". At least 20 people died in earlier Israeli raids across Lebanon, as troops fought Hezbollah in the south. The violence comes after at least 15 people were killed in Israel on Sunday - the country's deadliest day so far. "An hour ago, there was a horrific massacre in the village of Houla in which more than 40 martyrs were victims of deliberate bombing," Mr Siniora told the meeting. He broke down during the address, in which he appealed to Arab states for support against Israel's "horrific actions".

The Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz has said Israel will step-up its offensive against Hezbollah rocket launching sites if the diplomatic process does not reach a successful conclusion. More than 900 Lebanese, most of them civilians, have been killed in the conflict, the Lebanese government says. More than 90 Israelis, most of them soldiers, have also been killed. Humanitarian groups say Israeli military action is hampering efforts to help many of the hundreds of thousands who have fled the fighting - sparked by the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah on 12 July.

AP News Alert: Corpse count less than 40
Aug 07 11:17 AM US/Eastern
BEIRUT, Lebanon
The Lebanese prime minister says only one person died in an Israeli air raid on the southern village of Houla, lowering the death toll from 40.
Posted by: Elmalet Ebboper3621 2006-08-07