
Ohio murderer who asked for death is executed
A man who said he worshipped Satan and enjoyed killing three people, stabbing and beating them and stomping on them with steel-toed boots, was executed Tuesday.
Zark's probably found him a nice seat by the fire by now, if he hasn't cut his postmortem head off...
Darrell Ferguson, 28, the youngest person put to death in Ohio since 1962, died by injection at 10:21 a.m. at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. He had asked for the death penalty and chose not to pursue appeals, which could have delayed his execution for years.
Good for him. Now he can get on with decomposing...
“King was disabled and used crutches, Arlie Fugate had cancer and Mae Fugate took meals to wheelchair-using neighbors.”
He was convicted of three counts of aggravated murder in the Christmas Day killing of Thomas King, 61, in 2001 and the deaths the next day of Arlie Fugate, 68, and his wife Mae, 69. King was disabled and used crutches, Arlie Fugate had cancer and Mae Fugate took meals to wheelchair-using neighbors.
Aged and infirm — they're less likely to fight back, y'know...
The victims let Ferguson into their homes in Dayton because they knew him. Ferguson's mother had been married to King's brother, and Ferguson's family had once lived near the Fugates. Ferguson committed the murders after getting a two-day pass from a drug treatment program he had been ordered to attend following a burglary conviction. At his sentencing, he taunted the victims' families, saying he worshipped Satan, enjoyed the killings, had no remorse, and, if released from prison, would pick up where he left off.
So now he won't. Somebody else will have to do it.

Posted by: Fred 2006-08-09