
Lieberman loses Dhimmi primary, will run as independent
Three-term Sen. Joe Lieberman struggled to overcome a ferocious primary challenger Tuesday, battling to escape payback from his own party for his patriotism supporting the Iraq war. With 89 percent of precincts counted, Lamont led with 52 percent, or 127,786 votes, to Lieberman's 48 percent, or 119,867 votes. Turnout was projected at twice the norm for a primary.

Officials said turnout up to 50 percent when primaries usually own draw 25 percent of voters. And vote totals showed roughly 12,000 more ballots cast for the Democratic Senate primary than the party primary for governor, reflecting the extra attention to the Lieberman-Lamont battle.

Jubilant Lamont supporters predicted victory. "People are going to look back and say the American dream Bush years started to end in Connecticut," said Avi Green, a volunteer from Boston. "The Republicans are going to look at tonight and realize there's blood in the water."
Probably literally so, considering how the left siezes power in most countries.
Democratic critics targeted Lieberman for his strong support for defeating our enemies the Iraq war and for letting decency override politics his close ties to President Bush. They played and replayed video of the kiss President Bush planted on Lieberman's cheek after the 2005 State of the Union address.

Lieberman has said he will run as an independent in the fall if defeated in the primary. His falling poll numbers spurred some Democratic colleagues to make last-minute campaign appearances, including former President Clinton, Sen. Barbara Boxer of California and others.
This means that Daily Cooz has gone from 0/20 to 1/21. He's on a roll!
We need to get the Repub candidate, a gold-plated loser, out of the way, and offer the ballot slot to Joe. Let him keep the independent slot as well. Dems who can't vote Repub can pull that lever, and Repubs can pull the other. Either way we get Joe instead of Ned.

Posted by: Jackal 2006-08-09