
Will Lieberman switch parties?
This is just me speculating.

Joe Lieberman said that if he wins reelection as an independent, he'll still caucus with the Donks, and there's no reason to doubt that he meant what he said. However, the Instapundit notes that Lieberman (see news article at the link) was sympathetic to Jim Jeffords when Jeffords made the jump back before the war.

You also have to wonder how long a sincere, believing Orthodox Jew can pretend solidarity with the viciously anti-Semitic elements that seem to have taken over his party. Plus, if he beats Lamont in the general election despite the party turning on him in such spectacular fashion, I can't imagine he'd feel like he owes them anything.

It wouldn't surprise me if Lieberman, if he wins in November, were to announce that he won't caucus with either party.

Posted by: Mike 2006-08-09