
Hamas Plans Southern War on Hizbullah Military Model
I've been wondering what was going on in the south

Yisrael Beitenu party Chairman and MK Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday that Hamas is planning to change the way it is waging war on Israel’s southern front – based on the Hizbullah model.

Hamas opened the Re-engagement War with a terror attack on an IDF outpost on June 25th at the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza and Egypt. IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists during the battle in which two soldiers were killed and four others injured.

Hamas is now the majority party that leads the Palestinian Authority, and is also involved in internal fighting with the Fatah faction which controlled the PA prior to elections in January 2006.

Lieberman said the PA is preparing to wage a war on southern Israel modeled on the Hizbullah military strategy against communities in northern Israel. He also expressed criticism of the media for ignoring the ongoing PA Kassam rocket attacks on the cities of the Negev.

Lieberman said that PA terrorists are "smuggling Katyushas and Grad missiles into the Gaza Strip. The southern Lebanon script must be prevented in southern Israel."

Lieberman further criticized the government for failing to keep the Knesset apprised of Hamas war preparations, charging that better information can be found on the Internet than in parliamentary committee sessions.

He added that the government must not close its eyes to the fact that Hamas intentions are to destroy Israel, a goal the terror group does not hide.

The group’s party platform focused on its refusal to formally recognize the State of Israel, disarm or renounce terrorism. Foreign funding to the PA by most western nations was frozen when the terrorist organization took over the government.
Posted by: Sherry 2006-08-09