
Olmert and Peretz to decide on extent and timing of operation
The mentally impaired leading the visually challenged
The security cabinet approved Wednesday a broader ground offensive by the Israel Defense Forces in Lebanon, authorizing troops to push at least up to the Litani River some 30 kilometers from the Israel-Lebanon border. The IDF's goal is to significantly reduce Hezbollah's short-range rocket launching capabilities. Most Katyusha rocket launches take place from within this area.
What a dumb goal. Iran will suppply all lost material within one month of a cease fire. What they can't replace is trained, experienced fighters. The goal should be to kill every adult male in Southern Lebanon.
No, sorry, that will create a bigger problem. The goal should be to kill the Hezbie leadership, Hezbie gun slingers, and Hezbie rocket techs. When enough of that happens the rest of the Hezbies will decide to become auto mechanics.
The cabinet authorized Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz to widen the offensive and to determine its timing.
Now for the capper -
The offensive would not begin for two or three days so as not interfere with ongoing efforts to broker a cease-fire at the United Nations, said one minister in the meeting.
And don't forget your permisssion slip from Mr. Annan.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2006-08-09