
Hezbollah denies Iranian fighters
HEZBOLLAH today denied Iranian fighters were among its guerillas battling Israeli forces in southern Lebanon.

"Hezbollah categorically denies the lies and claims that the enemy is promoting that Iranian fighters are present in the confrontations with the occupation forces," the pro-Iranian Lebanese guerrilla group said.

Israel's Channel 10 television earlier cited diplomatic sources as saying members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard had been found among Hezbollah guerillas slain by Israeli forces in southern Lebanon.

It said the Iranians were identified by papers found on their bodies, but gave no further details on how many were discovered or when.

Iran, like fellow Hezbollah patron Syria, insists its support for the Shiite guerrilla group is purely moral.

Israel says many of the rockets being fired against its civilian and military targets are Iranian made, and that Hezbollah fighters taking on its forces trained in Iran.

Washington also accuses Tehran of actively funding Hezbollah.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards are traditionally very close to fellow Shiite Muslims in Hezbollah and were deployed in south Lebanon in the 1980s.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-08-10