
Chavez says Castro fighting for life
President Hugo Chavez said Thursday his close friend and ally Fidel Castro is in a "great battle for life," but he also expressed optimism about the 79-year-old Cuban leader's recovery. "From here, let's pray to God for Fidel and his recovery, and he's fighting a great battle," Chavez said in a televised speech from the eastern state of Anzoategui.
I'm praying for sepsis, myself...
Hugo prays to God? An odd sentiment for a commie thug to express over another commie thug ...
His statement was the most dire yet from a close Castro ally in describing the 79-year-old Cuban leader's condition. Chavez said he had received a message from Castro on Wednesday "that filled me with more optimism, with more faith."
"He said, 'Squigggk!'"
"Among other things Fidel told me ... 'I keep saying Chavez, God help Chavez and his friends,'" Chavez said. "I wrote to him in my own handwriting last night, in the early morning, to send it with the messenger who was returning immediately: 'You are fighting a great battle every day, all these nights,'" Chavez said.
"Ramon! Take a letter in my own handwriting!"
"Si, Jefe!"

Posted by: Fred 2006-08-11