
Uganda ponders next move after rebels walk out of peace talks
(Xinhua) -- The Ugandan government peace delegation is consulting with mediators on the next step after the rebel Lords Resistance Army (LRA) peace team walked out of the peace talks in Juba, southern Sudan.
Might we suggest killing them all?
Robert Kabushenga, head of the government Media Center, told Xinhua by telephone on Thursday that the government negotiators are consulting Riek Machar, chief mediator and vice president of southern Sudan, on the next move. The LRA negotiators walked out on Wednesday protesting the government's refusal to declare cessation of hostilities. "As far as the LRA delegation is concerned, the talks have not resumed," the LRA delegation spokesman Obonyo Olweny told journalists in Juba.

Last Friday, the elusive LRA leader Joseph Kony declared a unilateral ceasefire, urging the Ugandan government to do the same. Kabushenga said the Ugandan government still maintains its earlier position of discussing the ceasefire with the LRA team. "We have to first discuss the cessation of hostilities and agree. There are procedures to be followed before a ceasefire is declared," he said. The Ugandan government claimed that the LRA have abused past ceasefires by recruiting and re-arming its fighters, a claim rejected by the LRA negotiators.
Posted by: Fred 2006-08-11