
Fifth Column? Arab-"Americans" For Hizbollah
...On the streets of Dearborn, Hezbollah is not seen as a terrorist group but as a heroic resistance force. Residents say the group led the "freedom fight" in Lebanon during 18 years of Israeli occupation.

Without the diligence and sacrifice of Hezbollah, people here say they would not have been able to return every summer to show their children their hillside villages and share their ancestral heritage. Hezbollah also provides social services and education for their relatives in Lebanon who are too poor to afford them.

Watching reports from the Middle East, many in Dearborn feel betrayed and unfairly targeted by the U.S. government.

This week some 200 Hezbollah fighters engaged in fierce battles defending Bint Jbeil, a village that is a longtime Hezbollah stronghold near the Israeli border. Some 15,000 Dearborn residents have emigrated over the years from Bint Jbeil. They created a community center named after the village.

When about 10,000 Arab-Americans demonstrated in Dearborn last week in support of the Lebanese cause, some held up portraits of Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. People here draw a distinction, though, between Hezbollah's strict religious theocracy and its military movement...
Posted by: Snease Shaiting3550 2006-08-11