
26 terrs snuffed in Ramadi
BAGHDAD - The US military said Saturday 26 insurgents were killed in Iraq’s restive Al-Anbar province following a series of attacks on US bases in the area a day earlier.

On Friday, marines and soldiers in Ramadi ‘were attacked at multiple locations with rocket-propelled grenades, medium machine-gun fire and small arms fire from buildings targeting outposts in the northwest portion of the city,’ it said. The attacks came ‘from non-combatant and protected locations, such as homes and mosques,’ the statement said.

‘During these attacks, coalition forces positively identified gunmen, dressed in civilian attire, and defended themselves,’ killing ‘26 anti-Iraqi forces.’ No soldier or civilian casualties resulted from the clashes, the military said.

Ramadi is the capital of the western province and is a Sunni Arab stronghold where US-led forces come under regular attack.
Posted by: Steve White 2006-08-13