
Graphic pictures from Iran: Mullahs crack down on students
From Andrew Sullivan’s web site:

THE DORMS: Here are some pictures of dorm rooms in Tehran university after the government thugs have "disciplined" various freedom-seeking students.


Here are some more - of what was done to the students themselves. [These are the graphic pictures.]


Yesterday, three student leaders were seized by the regime’s goons and are now in capitivity.

It’s useful to see the true face of tyranny - a face so familiar and comforting to the anti-American ideologues running the BBC.

Yesterday, the Beeb’s leftists described the 1999 massacre of students as a "police raid." Yeah, and Tiananmen Square was a street fight. How do these BBC apologists for theocratic terror live with themselves? The BBC apologists are upholding the fine journalistic tradition of kowtowing to dictators that oppose western ideals - e.g., Stalin.

(More on Iran on the Letters Page.) http://www.andrewsullivan.com/letters.php
Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-07-10