
Israeli Justice Minister Is Resigning
Israel's justice minister, a key ally of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, announced Friday that he will resign, clearing the way for him to stand trial on accusations he forcibly kissed an 18-year-old female soldier.

Haim Ramon's announcement came a day after Israel's attorney general announced plans to indict him, the latest blow to a government politically weakened by the 34-day war against Lebanese guerrillas. Ramon said in a statement that he had waived his parliamentary immunity and his right to a special hearing with the attorney general. He said he would leave office on Sunday. Ramon asked Attorney General Meni Mazuz to ensure a speedy trial "for personal reasons, but also because of public interest."
He wants to spend more quality time with the family no doubt.
At least he's coming clean, not too many politicos do that ...
Ramon, 56, is suspected of forcibly kissing the soldier during a farewell party at a government office. The incident allegedly took place July 12, the day the war erupted.
Hey…it was an emotional situation…you know…just caught up in the moment.
The indecent assault charge against Ramon carries a maximum penalty of three years in prison, justice officials said. "I am sure that I will succeed in court. A kiss of two, three seconds, based on the version of the complainant, cannot be turned into a criminal act," Ramon said in a statement.
"In retrospect, maybe I should’ve smooched her on the belly ala Putin-Style."
Mazuz said earlier he had little choice but to proceed. "When the complainant's testimony is consistent and perceived to be credible, and is supported by other testimony, there is no choice but to file an indictment and bring the case to be settled in court," he said in a statement.

Ramon, a leading member of the ruling Kadima Party, is considered a key Olmert ally and one of the biggest supporters of a plan to unilaterally withdraw from much of the West Bank by 2010.
Posted by: DepotGuy 2006-08-18