
U.N. gets 3,500 troops for Mideast force
The United Nations got pledges Thursday of 3,500 troops for an expanded U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon, ...
National Pledge Week for Lebanon! I can see this on public TV and NPR. Make your pledge today and get your choice of this lovely minature Lebanese flag or Hezbollah banner suitable for your office or living room ...
... but it was unclear whether the soldiers represented the right mix of countries and units and could deploy very quickly. Bangladesh made the largest offer of up to 2,000 troops but France offered just 400, a disappointment to some who expected more from the country likely to lead the force.
The disappointment was in expecting something from France ...
Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown told a meeting of nearly 50 potential troop contributing countries that at least 3,500 new troops are needed in south Lebanon within 10 days to expand the 2,000-strong U.N. force trying to help maintain an uneasy truce between Israel and Hezbollah militants. ...
Posted by: ed 2006-08-18