
"Will we continue putting out fires?"
Israeli columnist
The war in Lebanon is only part of a grand plan 'to wipe Israel off the map.' Therefore, it's not the time for a commission of inquiry but rather the time to take immediate measures in the hope that we'll be better prepared the next time around

Those who think that the ceasefire in Lebanon ended the war are living in a fool's paradise. The war in Lebanon was just one campaign in an overall war being waged against us by fundamentalist Islam and Arab radicalism. The war's goal is to wipe Israel off the map in the Middle East, or at least to push us back to the 1967 borders.

This war also has a clear two-stage strategic plan put together in Teheran: The current stage can be called – the guerilla and attrition stage – during which the Palestinians and Hizbullah will create casualties on the Israeli home front by firing rockets and dispatching suicide bombers.

The idea is to humiliate the IDF with severe blows, forcing it to respond and subsequently losing the support of the international community. At the same time, Israeli civilian resistance will begin to crumble, the IDF bereft of its confidence, will have its combat capabilities eroded by the Sisyphean pursuit of terror cells and rocket launching pads.

The next stage

The next stage – Israel's defeat – will witness the active participation of Syria, Iran and perhaps some other warring factors. Ballistic missiles will be directed at Israel under Iran's nuclear patronage. Iran may even decide to use nuclear arms against Israel. As a result, Israel will have no choice but to accede to a political settlement of surrender or disappear.

Those seeking evidence of this strategic plan will find much of it, not only in military intelligence material, but also in the context of speeches made by leaders of the radical front delivered in Damascus, Teheran and Gaza this week. The danger is clear and imminent, and Israel should have put it high on its list of national priorities a long time ago and be prepared to eliminate it completely.

Posted by: lotp 2006-08-20