
2 Suspects in Moscow Market Blast Detained
Two men, who could be involved in Moscow market bombing were detained by the market’s security service few minutes before the blast occurred, tradesmen told Gazeta.ru online daily. A powerful blast ripped through a market in eastern Moscow on Monday morning, killing at least 10 people and injuring scores. Preliminary reports said the blast was triggered by a hand-made explosive device, although police earlier blamed the explosion on a faulty gas cylinder.

Three or four people left a suspicious bag in the market’s cafe and tried to escape, unnamed witness said. Security was able to catch 2 of them, the one ran away. Russian authorities so far did not confirm the information about possible detention of the bombers.

Deputy Mayor Vladimir Resin said a homemade bomb detonated in a two-story trading arcade at Cherkizovsky market in the northeastern part of the city about 10:30 a.m. City prosecutor Yuri Syomin told reporters at the scene that 41 people had been hospitalized. The bombing was likely connected with organized crime or a dispute between businessmen, however investigators were not ruling out terrorism, Syomin is quoted by Associated Press as saying.

A 200-square-meter (2,150-square-feet) section of the market collapsed in the blast, Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Yulia Stadnikova said. She said at least two of those killed were children. The Russian general prosecutor’s office said it had opened a murder investigation. Terrorism is a separate offense under Russian law.

The market is one of several sprawling complexes on the outskirts of the central city with hundreds of food, clothing and hardware stands. “It sounded like a thunderstorm. Who knows what happened?” said Vyacheslav Lobastov, who was shopping at the market.

Markets in Russia’s restive Caucasus region frequently have been targeted by bombers over the past several years; most of the blasts are believed to be connected to organized crime or commercial disputes. In June, two people were injured in an explosion at a market in Samara.
Posted by: Steve 2006-08-21