
Australian Engineers headed to Afghanistan
AN advance party of Australian engineers will begin work in Afghanistan tomorrow in helping rebuild the war-torn country. The defence department tonight said the first members of the 400-strong Reconstruction Task Force (RTF) will join a small team already on the ground preparing for the arrival of the main force. "The advance party will focus on preparation of base facilities and logistic support infrastructure for the main force," Defence said in a statement. "The RTF will begin planning reconstruction activities immediately, however works are not expected to commence until late November." Most of the task force would begin work in Afghanistan in late September with the final elements expected to deploy in November, Defence said.

Hundreds of Australian soldiers were farewelled in Darwin on Sunday as they embarked for Afghanistan, where they will be based in Oruzgan Province. The 240-strong engineering contingent will be protected by about 150 infantrymen equipped with armoured vehicles.

Their deployment comes at a time of escalating Taliban activity in Afghanistan during what is known in the country as the campaign season – when the snows melt from mountain passes and allow militants to resume activities.
(looks at calendar) Funny, I could have sworn that snow started melting in the spring. When the final elements arrive in November, they should be getting ready for the Dread Afghan Winter.
Six Australian special forces soldiers were wounded during heavy fighting in the country's south last month, with one sent home for further treatment. The new contingent of Australians will be located with the 1600-member Dutch task group at a base outside the Oruzgan capital, Tarin Kowt, and are expected to rely on them for primary protection.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-08-22