
Peretz freezes war inquiry
The Defense Ministry has suspended a panel's review of the military's performance during the just-ended war in Lebanon, security officials said.

Defense Minister Amir Peretz appointed the panel last week following widespread criticism of military failings during the 34-day offensive against Lebanese Hizbullah guerrillas. But the panel's operations were frozen Monday night until the government decides whether to order a broader inquiry into the conduct of the war, the security officials said.

Earlier on Monday a preliminary report was issued by the Knesset subcommittee established by MK Ami Ayalon (Labor) to investigate the issue. The report declared that the government mishandled the management of the home front during the war in the North.

The subcommittee, a part of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, was created during the fighting and was charged with examining the condition of the home front throughout the conflict.

Among the report's initial conclusions is a criticism of Defense Minister Amir Peretz's decision not to initiate the government's standby "Emergency Economy" (Melah) plan, which would mobilize civilians, along with government and security service infrastructure, to aid in times of crisis.

According to the report, Peretz only discussed utilizing the plan on July 22, ten days after the beginning of hostilities, and immediately rejected it, apparently in contradiction with advice he received from experts.

Due to this decision, the IDF's Home Front Command was permitted to operate only at partial capacity, without the ability to mobilize reservists and resources on a significant scale to aid in operations.

The subcommittee also said that government ministries and agencies in the North appeared to be at a virtual stand-still during the conflict.

And this government is still in power? Israel is in real trouble. REminds me of the U. S. in the 1970s. I hope they find their Reagan. But they don't seem to be looking very hard.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2006-08-22