
Israel gives up on disarming Hizbullah
Israel has essentially given up hope of Hizbullah being disarmed,
We can consider Olmert and Peretz officially toast...
and instead is now concentrating on ensuring that an arms embargo called for in UN Security Council resolution 1701 be implemented, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
That'll happen, too, we're sure...
Real Soon Now, just you wait and see!
“... senior Israeli officials have made it clear in recent days during talks with foreign governments that Israel realizes a Hizbullah presence south of the Litani River is unavoidable...”
Furthermore, senior Israeli officials have made it clear in recent days during talks with foreign governments that Israel realizes a Hizbullah presence south of the Litani River is unavoidable, if for no other reason than because the organization is so well rooted there that the only way to get rid of Hizbullah would be to evacuate the entire region.
Eventually you'll have to, but for now you don't want to spend the corpses. You'll have to spend more of them when you eventually do it, but Olmert will be long gone...
What Israel does expect, however, is that the Lebanese Army and the international force that will deploy there ensure that Hizbullah doesn't have offensive weaponry to attack Israel, and that if they do try to attack, there will be someone there to stop them.
“What Israel does expect, however, is that the Lebanese Army and the international force that will deploy there ensure that Hizbullah doesn't have offensive weaponry...”
Ummm... Why don'tcha go back to the idea of destroying Hezbollah? There's a lot more chance of that happening, especially without Olmert and Peretz, than there is of Eurotroops preventing a Hezbollah attack on Israel. The sporadic Katyushas should be starting up again in a month or so, and the Euros are going to give you a blank stare when you ask them why.
The impression Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has left in recent days on her European counterparts during meetings both in Israel and in Europe is that Israel recognizes it is unrealistic for anyone to take away Hizbullah's weapons, and that what is most important at this time is to ensure that there is an effective embargo on any new weapons to Hizbullah.
Where do they get these people?

Posted by: Fred 2006-08-25