
Russia rejects sanctions against Iran
Russia on Friday rejected any talk for now of sanctions against Iran and France warned against conflict with Tehran, raising doubt whether it will face swift penalties for not halting nuclear work by an August 31 deadline.
The odd couple at work again. If W retains the House and Senate, it could be a bad couple of years for the UN.
Responding to an offer of economic incentives to stop enriching uranium, Iran hinted to six world powers on Tuesday it could curb its program as a result of talks to implement the package -- but not as a precondition as they demand.

The reply seemed designed to crack the ramshackle united front of four Western powers and Russia and China behind the U.N. Security Council deadline. The West sees Iran's nuclear work as a looming threat to peace. Russia and China do not.

"I know of no instances in world practice and previous experience in which sanctions have achieved their aim and proved effective," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov told reporters during a trip to Russia's far east.
I have to agree there. But somehow, I suspect he is not in favor of moving directly to glass paving.
"Moreover, I believe that the question is not so serious at the moment for the U.N. Security Council or the group of six to consider any introduction of sanctions. Russia stands for further political and diplomatic efforts to settle the issue."
We should offer the mullahs assistance with targeting IRBMs to Moscow and Paris.
Ivanov is regarded as close to President Vladimir Putin.
And John F'n Kerry from the sound of it.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2006-08-25