
President Mugabe elected AU vice chairman
From the Harare Herald, which is government-owned. Betcha couldn't tell from the content, huh?
PRESIDENT Mugabe has been elected vice chairman of the African Union in yet another show of confidence in Zimbabwe by Africa.
"Bob's the One!"
His election was endorsed on Thursday by African leaders during the ongoing AU summit here soon after host President Mr Joaquim Chissano had taken over as chairman of the 53-member Pan-African body from South African President Mr Thabo Mbeki. Cde [Comrade] Mugabe is one of the five vice chairmen of the AU who are elected every year after the chairman has assumed his post to represent the continent’s various regions. He will represent Southern Africa. As AU vice chairman, President Mugabe yesterday chaired a closed session of the summit which considered a report on the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development as a contribution to the continent’s development.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-07-13