
Hizb ut Tehrir slams leader’s arrest
Hizb ut Tehrir (HT) members staged a protest outside the Lahore Press Club (LPC) on Saturday against the alleged arrest of (HT) spokesman Naveed Butt, Taimur Butt and Muhammad Saleem. The HT blocked roads outside the LPC for about a half hour. The demonstrators held banners and placards and chanted slogans against the government. HT member Manzar Aziz told demonstrators that HT members were being arrested by America’s will because they were exposing Americans and the pro-US and pro-Israel policies of the Pakistani government. Mr Aziz said the HT wanted to make Pakistan a true Islamic state, which bothered the US. He said the HT would ensure the implementation of Islamic laws in the country. He said the government should stop state terrorism and stop trying to please the US, as it would not bear good results.
Yes, definitely stop state terrorism. Leave it in private hands...
On Friday, July 11, men in plain clothes outside the Shezan hotel arrested three HT members Naveed Butt, Taimur Butt and Muhammad Saleem after the three left a press conference. Muhammad Saleem and Taimur were released and Naveed Butt was still in custody, HT acting spokesman Muhammad Imran said.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-07-13