
Feminist Author says 'Crocodile Hunter' exploited animals
You just knew this was coming. These hateful bastards can't even wait for the body to grow cold.

Feminist author Greer says 'It’s no surprise that he came to grief’

SYDNEY, Australia - Feminist academic Germaine Greer said on Wednesday she hoped the death of Australian “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin would mark the end of what she called exploitative nature documentaries, a discordant note amid floods of tributes. Irwin died in a freak diving accident off Australia’s northeast coast on Monday after he was hit in the chest by the serrated barb from a stingray’s tail.

Echoing comments she made this week in Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Australian-born Greer likened Irwin to a lion tamer and said he had intruded on the habitats of animals and treated them with “massive insensitivity.”

“It’s no surprise that he came to grief,” Greer told Nine Network television. “We now have enough respect for lions to be embarrassed if we see someone trying to crack whips at them and wave chairs at them. Jumping all over crocodiles is the same kind of thing.”
Terri is just going to kick her ass.
Greer, an award-winning author and left-wing freak, is a frequent critic of personalities like British soccer star David Beckham and social trends like reality television.
Because it's easier to pew around and lob cowpies at people than it is to think.
In 2003 she criticized J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy for attracting “spaced-out hippies, environmentalists, free-market libertarians, social conservatives, pacifists, new-age theosophists, sexists and racists the world over.”
Everyone except her.
Irwin’s death has prompted outpourings of grief and sympathy from around the world, dominating local newspapers and clogging Internet news sites.

Greer said she found the Irwin phenomenon "embarrassing," although she understood the sadness at his death. “I’m not saying that’s not sad, I’m saying what might be over now is this kind of exploitation of animals,” Greer said. “I am sick and tired of programs that tell me that the world is full of wicked, nasty, powerful, deadly creatures. Why does Australia set itself up to be made into this hellhole?” she said.
I'm sorry, but somebody in Australia with some sack left should just go and slap this silly witch.
Only sounds like 'witch'.

Posted by: mcsegeek1 2006-09-06