
Why were Israelis bombed? Ask General Barak
This is not news but a very telling analysis of what Israeli LLL’s did to their nation when they achieved power and very possible future path our own LLL’s would take US down in Iraq if they get the chance. The only difference will be just like Iraq is many times larger than Lebanon so will be the consequences of our error if such path is chosen in Iraq.

I believe we have already reached this step with our “Academics” bureaucrats ect.. already lost their stomach and looking for a way out anyway out. Fortunately for US so far they have been held back and denied success but we see the openings of such with the tying of our military CIA NSA hands limiting our abilities to fight which in turn will ramp up the pain to hasten our decision.

The saddest part of this article to me is that even today in Israel Barak and his LLL’s supporters have not been forced to admit their absolute error. This will mean in the future once memories get a little hazy they will pop out again pushing the same ignorance. They should be forced to pay for their errors with humiliating results so they are so utterly discredited that they will never again stick their nose into security issues were they have neither the grasp of history or stomach to participate in.
I have not seen the coming ABC special on the path to 9-11 but I hope it is finally the beginning of the crucifixion of Clinton for his utter failure of security issues during his 8yrs. Multiple multiple attacks the hollow peace accords pushed on Israel with their LLL’s assistance. Somalia, Iraq 98’, Coe, Nairobi, Kenya, 93’ World trade, multiple acts of war and then the very near misses Millennium bombing plot, the attempt over the pacific to down 10 air craft ect…. On and on while Clinton worried about feeling your pain and making speeches declaring those will be brought to justice while at the same time losing the stomach when the agents called back for a green light to do what needed to be done.

History is the Future and those who don’t learn from histories mistakes are doomed to Repeat them.

Posted by: Phose Gromose3412 2006-09-07