
Bush is "Dictator of the World" in Teacher’s ’Hidden Agenda’ Deck
High school teacher Kathy Eder has created a deck of cards of her own, taking a cue from the Pentagon. But instead of featuring Iraq’s must-wanted, Eder’s cards have pictures and comments critical of administration officials.
How very original...
The San Jose, Calif., teacher a teacher of morality and social justice at San Jose’s Bellarmine High School] says her "Hidden Agenda" cards are not hateful, but factual.
Bellarmine’s tepid response can be found at its web page under "A Message from the Principal"
In Eder’s version, President George W. Bush is the ace of spades with the title, "Dictator of the World."
Compare the previous affirmation - "the cards are not hateful but factual" - with this one. Yet another indication of the moral bankruptcy of the left and its departure from reality. Also see: http://www.santa-cruz.com/archive/2003/June/23/local/stories/01local.htm
Eder, who teaches the class ‘‘Morality and Social Justice’’ at Bellarmine, an all-boys Catholic high school in San Jose, says the idea for the cards came to her when her students insisted the war in Iraq was justified, but they couldn’t offer facts or reasons to back up their statements.
Well, someone needs to direct these kids to Rantberg and the blogosphere.
I imagine the boys could offer facts and reasons and Kathy just discounted them...
"This war was totally wrong and totally about greed," she said. "We were told lies the whole time."
Just like most people discount anything she says...
The cards are a lesson in truth, she said. "It became clear to me that I needed to do what I have always encouraged my students to do," Eder said, "use my life to try and make a difference in the lives of others." She gathered information for her cards from The New York Times, the BBC, Mother Jones magazine, iraqbodycount.net, ... the Washington Post and several other international news organizations and publications.
O.K. This pretty much sums up the case against Comrade Eder. All highly biased sources. Mother Jones? How can you take her seriously.
Her sources are all cited on the cards. She said her cards reflect the teachings of Catholicism, that "no war is justified."
That is factually and historically untrue. It was Saint Augustine who developed the "just war" doctrine.
Former Santa Cruz County Supervisor and outspoken conservative Marilyn Liddicoat is not amused. "This is very unpatriotic," Liddicoat said. "I think it is very hostile to America to do this." Liddicoat, also a former chair on the Santa Cruz County Board of Education, said she thinks Eder should be fired for brainwashing students. "When I served on the board 20 years ago I could see how kids were being brainwashed by very liberal teachers," Liddicoat said. But Eder — who borrowed $8,000 from her credit card for 3,000 decks of cards — said she was simply called upon by God to tell "the truth," as she sees it.
"To tell the truth as she see it."

Yet another reason for me to distrust our teachers and their unions, the latter of which is becoming a de facto arm of the Democratic party.

Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-07-15