
Defense chief orders AFP: Thwart NPA extort plans
Defense Sec. Angelo Reyes thumbed down the New People’s Army guerrillas’ extortion plans on candidates for next year’s presidential elections. Reyes ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to monitor the rebels’ activities and intensify the military’s security operations in rebel-influenced areas to prevent the NPAs from carrying out their plans. Col. Victor Ibrado, commander of the 303rd Infantry Brigade, backs Reyes’ directive. He said that the military is willing to support the running parties if they wish to visit and campaign in the hinterland barangays of Negros Occidental.
Ibrado added that they are also conducting “pulong-pulong” or conferences with the community especially in the hinterlands of the province.
Reyes said that the military will see to it that “these leeches of society who stick fast to the skin of these candidates and anybody for that matter and suck blood will not make a mockery of the nation’s rule of law.” He added: “The AFP is monitoring them so that they will be prevented from carrying out their plans. These leeches who think that they can get away with murder are very much mistaken. The AFP has stepped up its security operations in areas where they operate.”
Intelligence reports showed that some P4.2 million has been extorted by the CPP in Permit to Campaign (PTC) fees from candidates last year alone. Most of the funds, Reyes added, found their way into the pockets of the top honchos in the rebel organization and not to its supposed revolutionary cause.
Well, duh!
Declassified intelligence information also showed that in rebel-influenced barangays, the PTC rate that the CPP extorts is P50,000 for the mayors and P20,000 for the councilors.
Moreover, Reyes called on the citizens to help the authorities in putting a stop to the “evil plans” of the CPP saying that "the fight against NPA extortion requires their help."
“A military solution is not enough. The people themselves are an integral part of the solution. Reporting crimes and anomalous activities to the authorities is our obligation as peace-loving citizens of the republic and we must perform this always,” said Reyes.
Communist guerrillas on Monday said they will demand that candidates in next year’s elections give them money, guns or bullets in exchange of permits to campaign in far-flung rebel influenced villages.
You want bullets? We’ll give you bullets!
Reyes said that declassified intelligence reports showed that part of the rebels’ plan is the “activation of its local organs in the barangays, preparations of permit to campaign, collection of PTC fees, solicitations, dispersion of small rebel units for terrorist operations, and provide support for the National Democratic Front’s organizations.”
What do they think this is, Chicago?
Posted by: Steve 2003-07-15