
142 Clinics Under Contract in Iraq
Surely, this'll be on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow, eh?

BAGHDAD, Sept. 8, 2006 — Building an Iraqi health-care system based on outpatient clinics and primary care is a high priority of the government of Iraq. To that end, all contracts for the 142 primary health-care clinics in the country have been awarded, according to the Gulf Region Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The contracts – the last of which was awarded on Aug. 31 – total more than $185 million. Currently, three are operational and three more are scheduled to open shortly.

This positive relationship between the Corps of Engineers, the Ministry of Health and the capable Iraqi construction companies will result in most of the clinics being completed between December 2006 and February 2007. Each clinic is expected to serve between 40,000 and 100,000 patients a year, the GRD Facilities and Transportation Sector estimates.

The clinics adhere to the same basic design - six examination rooms, a pharmacy, two dental examination rooms and X-ray facilities - to ensure that the Iraqi people receive modern medical care close to home. The clinics are outfitted with medical and office equipment, furniture and three months’ worth of medical consumables. Currently, the medical equipment – which cost $117 million for the 142 clinics – is being stored in a warehouse until each clinic is completed and ready to be opened.

“We are fulfilling our commitment to deliver modern health care to the Iraqi people using Iraqi contractors,” said Col. Andrew Knapp, Facilities and Transportation sector lead.

”Once completed, the clinics will relieve the overburdened outpatient care currently provided by older hospitals and reduce infant mortality by at least 20 percent nationwide.”

Currently, the Facilities and Transportation sector has completed 834 of 847 planned schools; 20 of 32 planned hospitals; 11 of 17 planned airports; 86 of 99 planned railroad stations; and 31 of 34 planned postal facilities.

Overall as of Aug. 26, the Gulf Region Division has started construction on more than 3,800 projects at a cost of $6.51 billion. More than 3,000 projects have been completed at a cost of $4.11 billion.
Posted by: Bobby 2006-09-09