
Hizb rejects peace talks
Kashmir's largest militant group dismissed as meaningless an agreement to resume peace talks by the leaders of India and Pakistan, a news agency reported on Tuesday. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President General Pervez Musharraf at the weekend agreed to restart peace talks that have been stalled since July, when bombings in Mumbai killed more than 200 people. In a statement on Tuesday to a local news agency, Current News Service, the militant group Hizb-ul-Mujahideen said the message of the two leaders carried "nothing new for people of Kashmir". "The declaration uses old and traditional language and is meaningless for the people of Kashmir. Those who are clapping at the declaration are misleading the people," the news agency quoted Hezb spokesman Junaid-ul-Islam as saying. "The only declaration acceptable to the people of Kashmir is one which gives a timeframe for resolving the Kashmir issue," Islam said.
Posted by: Fred 2006-09-20