
Liberian Troops Strengthen Defenses, Rebels Advance
Hardened young fighters loyal to Liberian President Charles Taylor reinforced roadblocks around Monrovia on Friday as rebels advanced on the capital, raising fears of another bloody battle on its streets. Renewed fighting broke out on Thursday as West African countries struggled to deploy an initial peacekeeping force of up to 1,500 troops in a first step toward ending 14 years of almost non-stop war that has spread beyond Liberia’s borders. The United States has said it might be willing to make a commitment once that force is in place, but no date has yet been set and the work of a regional team briefed with marking out the vague and disputed front line has been delayed by weeks. At the Iron Gate checkpoint just beyond Monrovia, young fighters wearing red t-shirts and headscarves proffered their guns aggressively. There were four times as many soldiers on duty as on previous days.
"Our forces are at the Po River Bridge. The dissidents are at Combat Camp," Defense Minister Daniel Chea said on Friday. The two locations are about 10 kms (6 miles) apart. Rebel group Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) punched on Thursday toward the key command center of Combat Camp, 22 km from the city limits, shattering an already brittle truce.
"We’re back!"
Terrified civilians took to the roads, racing to stay ahead of the rain of deadly mortar bombs that typically marks a rebel advance. Last month, LURD twice drove into Monrovia in fighting that killed at least 700 civilians.
Third times the charm, I hope.
Posted by: Steve 2003-07-18