
Peace activists go to Baghdad to keep tabs on troops, firms
Looks like a job program for unemployed Human Shields...
Some of the same peace activists who protested the U.S. invasion of Iraq have now set up camp in Baghdad, determined to scrutinize a military operation they couldn’t prevent. Their new International Occupation Watch Center, which opened last week in Iraq’s chaotic capital, will keep a skeptical eye on the activities of U.S. troops and officials.
Skeptical? You don’t say!?
Its four-member staff will shadow U.S. companies Bechtel Corp. and Halliburton, whose role in Iraq’s reconstruction provoked protests at home.
4 people? For the entire country? Yeah, they got this covered. And Bechtel and Halliburton, the tools of the facist occupation forces, better watch out! They got YOUR number!
More to the point, the center will actively oppose the occupation itself and call for its swift end. Its views, to be published in newsletters printed in English and Arabic, will probe the occupiers’ tolerance for dissent. "This is a test of our rights -- of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly -- and we’ll press those rights to the full extent," said San Francisco activist Medea Benjamin in an interview from Baghdad.
Only a matter of time before Medea’s on all the talk shows as an Iraqi "expert". And notice how it’s about THEIR rights? It’s always about them.
It is unclear whether more staffers will join the initial group, or how much access the activists will actually have to either military officials or private business concerns.
A guess? Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... ,like, none?
Two groups Benjamin represents, Global Exchange and United for Peace and Justice, spearheaded the center’s creation. After helping fill the streets of San Francisco, New York and Washington with protests against the war, they now want U.S. troops and administrators brought home as soon as possible.
This will be even less effective then "filling the street with protestors" was.
Officials with the office of the U.S. civil administrator, L. Paul Bremer, could not be reached for comment.
They’re probably laughing too hard.
A Bechtel spokesman said the company already faces plenty of public examination without the new watchdogs. Protesters besieged the construction company’s San Francisco headquarters after Bechtel won a $680 million contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure. Activists have labeled Bechtel part of a corporate invasion of Iraq, profiting from the country’s misery.
I knew it!
"We’re already under close and expert scrutiny by USAID, the Army Corps of Engineers and the international media," company spokesman Jonathan Marshall said. "To this mix, Global Exchange really doesn’t bring much to the table, other than an ideological and political agenda."
Looks like Becthel’s about as concerned about these dipshits as they should be.
A $20,000 seed grant from Global Exchange and United for Peace and Justice helped establish the center, which Benjamin anticipates will operate for at least 18 months. Its mission ranges from preparing reports and posting them on its Web site, www.occupationwatch.org, to supporting the formation of Iraqi human rights groups and labor unions. Its staff will investigate claims that occupation troops have used unnecessary force against civilians, Benjamin said.
Maybe take a ride up to the mass graves? Nah, didn’t think so...
The center will try to talk with the occupation authorities, as well as representatives of U.S. companies, as much as possible, Benjamin said. Some of its investigative work throughout the country will be performed by the center’s own staff while other reports will be prepared by groups working with the center.
Can’t wait to read them. They’re probably already written. "Facist army", "corporate greed", "all about oil". Blah, blah, blah.
In addition, the center will work with activists elsewhere to put pressure on the countries participating in the occupation. Benjamin and others at the center met last week with Italian activists who want to force their own country to pull out, and Benjamin wants to expand that effort to Poland and Australia.
Hippies working with hippies. So much gets accomplished when that happens.
Many observers warn that Iraq could descend into anarchy should the troops leave too soon, and U.S. officials have recently spoken of a long stay. Benjamin opposes a lengthy occupation, which she defined as five to 10 years. Although the center does not push for a specific date to end the occupation, Benjamin said a six- to 18-month stay would be relatively quick.
Quick! Somebody write that down! Plan the withdrawl timetable! Medea has spoken!
"Some (Iraqis) say the U.S. troops should leave today. Others say, ’We’ll give them a year.’ Some say six months," Benjamin said. "No one wants the U.S. here more than a year."
How many of them do you think want you around. Investigate that and let me know what you come up with.

Posted by: tu3031 2003-07-18