
Bush, Republicans agree on detainee interrogation
The White House and rebellious Senate Republicans announced an agreement Thursday on conditions covering the interrogation and trial of terror suspects. "I'm pleased to say that this agreement preserves the single most potent tool we have in protecting America and foiling terrorist attacks," President George W. Bush said. He spoke shortly after administration officials and key lawmakers announced agreement after a week of high-profile intra-party disagreement.

"The agreement that we've entered into gives the president the tools he needs to continue to fight the war on terror and bring these evil people to justice," said Sen. John McCain, one of three lawmakers from Bush's own party who told him he could not have the legislation the way he initially asked for it.
You knew Johnny Mac was going to cut a deal; he can't go into the primaries without one. And it leaves the Dhimmicrats twisting in the wind. Think they misunderestimated Dubya again?

Posted by: Fred 2006-09-22