
Israel expels Western peace activists
Israel is to deport eight foreign peace activists deemed "a security threat" after they peacefully protested against the construction of a huge security fence around the West Bank, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) said Thursday. The announcement came a day after the expulsion of a Northern Irish journalist and peace activist, who was initially accused by Israel of being an IRA bombmaker.
"Pack your shit and get out, Paddy..."
The eight activists, who were all campaigning with the ISM when they were arrested in the northern West Bank last week, were likely to be flown back to their home countries within the next 24 hours, ISM spokeswoman Huwaida Arraf said. Two are Swedes, two Britons and the other four from Canada, Denmark, France and the United States. The move came after a Tel Aviv court on Thursday rejected an appeal filed by the activists' lawyer. "The judge upheld the deportation order and decided he saw no reason to overturn the interior ministry's decision," Arraf said.
"Just get the hell out. We're busy here."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-07-18