
Downer warns UN on Afghanistan, Iraq
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has warned the UN it needs to keep up the fight to rid Afghanistan of terrorists or condemn future generations to a more dangerous world.

In a speech to the UN General Assembly in New York, Mr Downer said future generations would suffer a less secure and stable world if nations failed in their duty to Afghanistan.

"Afghanistan represents a fundamental test for each of us," he told the gathering.

"If we are not resolute and steadfast in supporting Afghanistan against the scourge of terrorism, if we are not prepared collectively to stand up against the extremists, we will deliver to the coming generations a weaker international system and a far less secure and stable world."

And the global community faced a similar challenge in Iraq.

Mr Downer acknowledged the decision to go to war with Iraq had divided the UN membership, but it must unite now to defeat extremists who had made the war-torn nation their battleground.

"Today, there is a very clear choice that should unite us all," he said.

"We know what will come of Iraq if it is won by extremists.

"As in Afghanistan, we must all commit to securing its future.

"If terrorism prevailed, the consequences would be catastrophic for each of us, wherever we may live."

Mr Downer admitted the struggle against terrorism would be long and difficult.

"Our challenge is not just to keep our citizens safe from terrorist attack, it is also to defeat an ideology that allows for no ideas or belief systems other than its own," he said.

"It is imperative we see this ideology for what it is - a mindset every bit as brutal and uncompromising as its totalitarian predecessors in centuries past.

"To defeat this evil, we must harness the collective strength of the international community."

Mr Downer urged the UN to agree to a comprehensive convention on international terrorism, which he believes would make it possible for all terrorist acts to be criminalised in international law.

"It is disappointing that the UN still cannot agree on the scope of such a convention," he said.

He singled out Iran and Syria, urging them to use their influence over Hizbollah to stop its terrorist attacks on Israel.

While acknowledging a role for the UN, Mr Downer said individuals states must show leadership on the issue.

"Too often in the world of politics, the temptation is for governments to strike an attitude and then leave the substantive action for another day, or offload the responsibility onto others," he said.

The minister also reiterated Australia's desire to provide a military force in East Timor, working under its own command, to complement a UN-led police contingent.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-09-22