
Sully Rants, Raves, Makes Faces
A Dubai radio station has broadcast a message attributed to the al-Qaeda terrorist network threatening to attack US interests throughout the world. "We are threatening US troops, and all those who support them, by intensifying our resistance operations and our jihad (holy war) and to strike at American interests in Afghanistan and elsewhere," said the statement, attributed to Kuwaiti-born Osama bin Laden spokesman Suleiman Abu Ghaith.
And you weren’t doing this before?
Although Afghanistan’s Taliban has been overthrown and the vice is tightening on several leaders of the al-Qaeda terrorist network, its top prize, Osama bin Laden, remains elusive. "Al-Qaeda is not dead as some people think. We are still here," continued the statement broadcast on Panorama-FM, linked to thee Arab satellite television network, Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC).
Yeah, it’s all just a "temporary setback." Pay no attention to all of the dead bodies ...
Last June, the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television channel announced that Abu Ghaith was among a group of al-Qaeda members arrested in Iran.
I think that it was this June, actually, but one might question just how much trouble Sully’s in if he can make threats to Dubai radio. Though the article doesn’t say whether or not this was a tape and anybody can send in an angry rant and write "Suleiman Abu Ghaith" on it.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-07-18