
Musharraf floats new Kargil theory
Nothing about Gen Musharraf should evoke surprise. But despite all his dramatic trapeze acts, like moving from backing Taliban to becoming its adversary in a twinkle, the Pakistan president continues to display an uncanny ability to leave his audience gasping.

There could be gasps at the General's audacity. His latest take on Kargil in his to-be-released book, In the Line of Fire is that it was all about thwarting a "creeping" Indian attack! Sneak reports say he blames India for Kargil, lauds the role of the Pakistani army and says India made up Pakistani incursions. Excerpts from the book have been aired by some TV channels.

"The Indian forces have been creeping forward since and despite the Simla Agreement and it was because of this that the Pakistan Army decided to reinforce Pakistan's forward positions along the LoC," and that "Pakistani manoeuvres were conducted flawlessly with Indians being completely oblivious of Pakistan's new strength," he says and you can almost see him flick a spot of dust off his military tunic.
Posted by: john 2006-09-24